Ben De Bruyn
Ben de Bruyn enseigne la littérature anglaise à l’UCLouvain. Il est l’auteur de Wolfgang Iser: A Companion (De Gruyter, 2012) et de The Novel and the Multispecies Soundscape (Palgrave, 2020). Il a également codirigé les volumes Literature Now: Key Terms and Methods for Literary History (avec Sascha Bru et Michel Delville, Edinburgh UP, 2016) et Planetary Memory in Contemporary American Fiction (avec Lucy Bond etJessica Rapson, Routledge, 2018). Il travaille actuellement à une nouvelle monographie dont le titre de travail est Beyond Cli-Fi.
Bibliographie écopoétique
- De Bruyn, Ben. The Novel and the Multispecies Soundscape. Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature 23. Cham: Palgrave, 2020.
- De Bruyn, Ben. “The Great Displacement: Reading Migration Fiction at the End of the World.” Humanities1 (2020): 1-16.
- De Bruyn, Ben. “Glenn A. Albrecht, Earth Emotions: New Words for a New World” (review). American Imago1 (2020): 213-22.
- De Bruyn, Ben. “The Hot War: Climate, Security, Fiction.” Studies in the Novel1 (2018): 43-67.
- De Bruyn, Ben. “Realism 4°: Objects, Weather and Infrastructure in Ben Lerner’s 10:04.” Textual Practice5 (2017): 951-71.
- De Bruyn, Ben. “Learning to Be a Species in the Anthropocene: On Annie Proulx’s Barkskins.” Frame 2 (2016): 71-90.
- De Bruyn, Ben. “Anthropocene Audio: The Animal Soundtrack of the Contemporary Novel.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction2 (2016): 151-65.
- De Bruyn, Ben. “Earlier is Impossible: Deep Time and Geological Posthumanism in Dutch Fiction.” Journal of Dutch Literature 2 (2013): 68-91.
- De Bruyn, Ben. “The Gathering of Form: Forests, Gardens and Legacies in Robert Pogue Harrison.” Oxford Literary Review1 (2010): 19-36.