by Riccardo Barontini | J 02, PM | Calls for papers
La délocalisation du roman français : nouvelles esthétiques post-exotiques et redéfinition des espaces contemporains Colloque international organisé dans le cadre des « Rencontres franco-allemandes du contemporain » (1ère édition) à l’Université de Regensburg du 24 au...
by Riccardo Barontini | J 02, PM | Conferences, News
With the videos of the lectures by Pierre Schoentjes “L’esprit des lieux, une version française?” and Oliver Gallmeister “Nature writing, une tradition anglo-saxonne?”
by Riccardo Barontini | J 02, PM | Calls for papers
CALL FOR PAPERSGCfE 13th Annual ConferenceEurope’s Environments: Climates of Change and Sustainability in Cross-disciplinary Perspectives9–10 May 2019Whether viewed as a natural environment defined by its geography, as a human environment shaped by culture, politics...