
Pierre Schoentjes
Pierre Schoentjes is a professor of French Literature at Ghent University

Benjamin Biebuyck
Benjamin Biebuyck is a professor of German LIterature at Ghent University

Stef Craps
Stef Craps is a professor of English literature at Ghent University

Niccolò Scaffai
Niccolò Scaffai is an associate professor of Italian Literature at Lausanne University

Sabine Verhulst
Sabine Verhulst is an emeritus professor of ltalian Literature at Ghent University

Riccardo Barontini
Post-doctoral fellow
Riccardo Barontini is a post-doctoral fellow in French Literature at Ghent University

Irene Cecchini
Ph.d candidate
Irene Cecchini is a Ph.d candidate in Italian Literature at Ghent University

Hannah Cornelus
Ph.d candidate
Hannah Cornelus is a PhD-candidate in French Literature at Ghent University

Ida Marie Olsen
Ph.d candidate
Ida M. Olsen is a Ph.d candidate in English literature at Ghent University

Hanne Janssens
Hanne Janssens is a Ph.d candidate in German literature at Ghent University
Associate members

Anne Simon
Research director CNRS
Anne Simon is a Research Director at the “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique française” (CNRS)

Sara Buekens
Post-doctoral fellow
Sara Buekens is a post-doctoral fellow in French Literature at Ghent University

Daniel Finch-Race
Research Fellow
Dan Finch-Race is a Research Fellow in Environmental Humanities at Università Ca’ Foscari’s Center for the Humanities and Social Change

Patrick Voisin
Professor, Preparatory Classes ENS
Patrick Voisin holds an Agrégation of grammar and is a professor in the Preparatory Classes for the ENS

Alain Romestaing
Alain Romestaing is associate professor in French Literature at Paris Descartes University

Davide Vago
Davide Vago is associate professor in French Literature at Milan Catholic University

Stéphanie Posthumus
Stéphanie Posthumus is associate professor at the Department of Languages, Literatures, CUltures of McGill University

Bénédicte Meillon
Bénédicte Meillon is Associate Professor of English Studies at the University of Perpignan

Marinella Termite
Marinella Termite is associate professor in French Literature at Bari University

Miruna Craciunescu
Postdoctoral fellow
Miruna Craciunescu is SSHRC Postdoctoral fellow at Ghent University and Université Laval

Jean-Yves Laurichesse
Jean-Yves Laurichesse is a professor of French literature at the University Toulouse-Jean Jaurès and a writer.

Christine Kanz
Christine Kanz is a professor of modern German literary studies in the Austrian university network ‘Cluster Mitte’ in Linz and Salzburg

Pieter Vermeulen
Associate professor
Pieter Vermeulen is an associate professor of American and Comparative Literature at the University of Leuven

Ben De Bruyn
Ben De Bruyn is a professor of English Literature at UC Louvain

Franck Collin
Maître de conférences
Franck Collin est maître de conférences en littérature antique et médiévale à l’Université des Antilles, Martinique.

Simon Levesque
Postdoctoral researcher
Simon Levesque est chargé de cours au Département d’études littéraires de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).

Marco Caracciolo
Associate professor
Marco Caracciolo is an Associate Professor of English and Literary Theory at Ghent University

Corinne Fournier Kiss
Corinne Fournier Kiss est Privat-docent (littératures comparée, française et slaves) à l’Université de Berne.

Pauline Hachette
Postdoctoral researcher
Pauline Hachette est agrégée de lettres modernes et chercheuse en littérature et en sciences de la communication à l’Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis.

Ilse Logie
lse Logie is a Professor of Latin American Literature at Ghent University
Invited members

Bouchra Sadqi
Ph.d candidate
Bouchra Sadqi is a Ph.d candidate in French Literature at Ibn Zohr University (Agadir)

Thabette Ouali
Thabette Ouali is maître-assistante in French Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tunis

Maxime Morin
Ph.d candidate
Maxime Morin is a Ph.d candidate in French Literature at Lille University