Research Seminar
Project « Literature, Environment and Ecology »
Ghent University – Room 110.031 Blandijnberg, 1st floor.
Mon, Oct 11th 2021
Christoph Ransmayr, Morbus Kitahara (1995), introduced Hanne Janssens (UGent)
Mon, Nov 22th 2021
Antonio Moresco, La lucina (2013) introduced by Irene Cecchini (UGent) [online]
Mon, Feb 14th 2022
Linda Hogan, People of the Whale (2009) introduced by Ida Olsen (UGent) [online]
Mon, Mar 14th 2022
Marie Darrieussecq, Le Pays (2005) introduced by Riccardo Barontini
Prof. Pierre Schoentjes (UGent) – Un changement de paradigme? Nouvelles approches littéraires de l’écologie (à l’occasion de la publication de Littérature et écologie. Le Mur des abeilles, José Corti, 2020)
Mon, Nov 23th 2020
W.G. Sebald, Die Ringe des Saturn (1995), introduced by Hanne Janssens (UGent)
Mon, Dec 7th 2020
Laura Pugno, Sirene (2007), introduced by Irene Cecchini (UGent)
Mon, Feb 15th 2021
Lydia Millet, How the dead dream (2007), introduced by Ida Olsen (UGent)
Mon Mar 15th 2021
Dr. Sara Buekens (UGent), Dr. Miruna Craciunescu (Laval/UGent), Hannah Cornelus (UGent), Écopoétique et francophonie
Mon, Apr 26th 2021
Prof. Marco Formisano (UGent), Coming after: late antique ecopoetics
- Mon, Oct 7th
Prof. Niccolò Scaffai (University of Lausanne/University of Siena): Letteratura e ecologia nell’Italia contemporanea: questioni teoriche e casi di studio
- Mon, Nov 18th
Gisèle Bienne, La Malchimie, Arles, Actes Sud, 2019.
introduced by Miruna Craciunescu : Binarismes et continuismes dans les écofictions contemporaines
- Mon, Dec, 9th ,
Richard Powers, The Overstory (excerpts) introduced by Ida Olsen (TBC)
- Mon, Feb 24th
Journée d’études La littérature environnementale en Suisse: écrire l’écologie.
- Mon, March 9th
2nd critical session « The ahuman » introduced by Hannah Cornelus
– Ursula K. Heise: Imagining Extinction: The Cultural Meanings of Endangered Species, Chicago, U of Chicago P, 2016, only ch. I.
– Anne Simon, « Animal : l’élevage industriel », in Philippe Mesnard et Luba Jurgenson (sous la dir. de) Encyclopédie critique du témoignage et de la mémoire, 2015.
– John Berger, « Why look at animals? », in Id., Why look at animals?, London, Penguin books, 2009.
- Mon, Mai 4th
Francesco Pecoraro, La vita in tempo di pace (excerpts), introduced by Irene Cecchini (TBC)
- Mon Jun 15th
German text TBD
Mon, Oct. 1st 2018
Prof. Pierre Schoentjes, General introduction to the seminar – La situation des études écopoétiques en France
Mon, Nov. 19th 2018
Irene Cecchini, Le nouveau réel et l’écologie littéraire: une enquête sur la prose narrative italienne contemporaine
- Mon, Dec 10th 2018
Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1968 (introduced by Ida Marie Olsen)
- Mon, Jan 14th 2019
1st critical session : « Oikos » (introduced by RIccardo Barontini)
– Gaston Bachelard, La Poétique de l’espace, PUF Paris, 1957, only ch. I,
– Serenella Iovino, « Restoring the Imagination of Place : Narrative Inhabitation of the Po Valley », in The Bioregional Imagination. Literature Ecology, and Place, Tom Lynch, Cheryll Glotfelty, Karla Armbruster éds., Athens, Georgia/London, U of Georgia P, 2012.
– Hubert Zapf, « Cultural Ecology of Literature – Literature as Cultural Ecology », in Handbook of Ecocriticism and Cultural Ecology, Hubert Zapf eds, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016.
- Mon, Feb 11th, 2019
Mario Rigoni Stern, Stagioni, Torino, Einaudi, 2006. (introduced by Irene Cecchini)
Mon, Apr 1st 2019
Hendrik Schoukens (UGent) : “Nature’s rights: balancing between a philosopher’s dream and a lawyer’s pragmatism”
- Mon, Mai 13th 2019
Robert Seethaler, Ein ganzes Leben. Roman, München, Hanser, 2014 (introduced by Inès Vandamme)
- Mon Jun 17th 2019
Sylvain Tesson, Dans les forêts de Sibérie, Paris, Gallimard, 2011 (introduced by Hannah Cornelus)
Guest Lecture-Hendrik Schoukens: “Nature’s rights: balancing between a philosopher’s dream and a lawyer’s pragmatism” Apr 1st 5:30 PM
Seminar of the research group "LIterature, Environment and Ecology" We have the pleasure to invite you to the guest lecture by Dr. Hendrik Schoukens, environmental lawyer, green politician and researcher at Ghent University : "Nature's rights: balancing between a...
Seminar of the Research Group “Literature, Environment and Ecology”- on Mario Rigoni Stern’s “Stagioni”, February 11th 2019- 5:30 PM- Ghent University
Seminar of the Research Group "Literature, Nature, and Ecology"Ghent UniversityRoom 110.031 Blandjiberg, 1st floor.5:30 PM-7:30 PMWe'll discuss Mario Rigoni Stern's book : Stagioni, Torino, Einaudi, 2006.introduced, in French, by Irene Cecchini.