Marco Caracciolo
Marco Caracciolo is an Associate Professor of English and Literary Theory at Ghent University in Belgium. Marco’s work explores the phenomenology of narrative, or the structure of the experiences afforded by literary fiction and other narrative media. He is the author of several books, including most recently Narrating the Mesh: Form and Story in the Anthropocene (University of Virginia Press, 2021) and With Bodies: Narrative Theory and Embodied Cognition (co-authored with Karin Kukkonen; Ohio State University Press, 2021).
Ecocritical Bibliography
2021 Narrating the Mesh: Form and Story in the Anthropocene. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
2022 Contemporary Fiction and Climate Uncertainty: Narrating Unstable Futures. London: Bloomsbury.
2022 Co-editors Marlene Marcussen and David Rodriguez. Narrating Nonhuman Spaces: Form, Story, and Experience Beyond Anthropocentrism. New York: Routledge.
2019 “Form, Science, and Narrative in the Anthropocene.” Narrative 27 (3): 270–89.
2020 “Flocking Together: Collective Animal Minds in Contemporary Fiction.” PMLA 135 (2): 239–53.
2020 “We-Narrative and the Challenges of Nonhuman Collectives.” Style 54 (1): 86–97.
2021 “Being Moved by Nature in the Anthropocene: On the Limits of the Ecological Sublime.” Emotion Review 13 (4): 299–305.
2021 “Emplotment beyond the Human Scale: On Deep Time and Narrative Nonlinearity.” Poetics Today 42 (3): 341–59.
2022 Co-authors Susannah Crockford, Shannon Lambert, and Gry Ulstein. “Phenomenology of Everyday Climate: An Ethnographic Approach to Metaphor, Affect, and the Nonhuman.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment.